The JKKN Dental College and Hospital, as a leading global innovative solutions provider, acknowledges the significance of conducting examinations with fairness, integrity, and commitment to excellence. This policy aims to lay out the structure for assessments, thereby enabling students to seize opportunities and emerge as dynamic leaders in dental care and research.
II. Purpose
The purpose of the JKKN Dental College Examination Policy is expected to provide an environment conducive to learning and growth.
1.Ensure a fair and consistent approach towards examinations.
2.Define the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders.
3.Uphold academic integrity, thus promoting the values of JKKN Dental College.
III. Scope
This policy applies to all forms of internal assessments at JKKN Dental College and Hospital, including theoretical examinations, practical evaluations, quizzes, viva voce, and project presentations. It encompasses all students, faculty members, the examination committee, invigilators, and administrative staff involved in the examination process.
IV. Roles and Responsibilities
Students: Adhere to the policy and all examination rules, demonstrate academic integrity, respect examination schedules, and display acquired knowledge and skills.
Faculty Members: Set examination papers in line with the curriculum, ensure fairness in marking, provide necessary feedback, and facilitate students’ intellectual growth.
Examination Committee: Oversee the management of examinations, create timetables, handle invigilators, address misconduct issues, and uphold the policy’s integrity.
Invigilators: Maintain order during examinations, ensure students adhere to examination rules, report misconduct to the Examination Committee. Administrative Staff: Handle logistical aspects, such as securing resources,arranging venues, and maintaining records.
V. Examination Procedures
Examination Schedule: An examination timetable shall be provided well inadvance. Examination Conduct: Students should arrive on time and adhere strictly to all
the rules set forth.
Academic Misconduct:
Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will not be tolerated. Severe penalties may be applied, including disqualification from the examination. This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated by the Examination Committee. Changes will be communicated to all relevant parties.
1.Dr.K.U.Nallasivam, Department Of Paedodontics
2.Dr.S.Dhanabalan, Department of Biochemistry
3. Dr P.K.Sasi Kumar, Department of Periodontics
4.Dr.V.Kumaran, Departement of Orthodontics
Types of Examinations:
The college will conduct two types of examinations, written exams and practical exams.
1. Sessional exams – I, II and III
2. Model exam
Exam Schedule:
The college will provide a schedule of exams to students well in advance so that they can prepare for the exams accordingly. The schedule will include the date, time, duration, and location of each exam.
The written format will be based on Tamilnadu Dr.MGR university regulations with long and short answers for a total of 75 marks. Any changes in the format will be duly informed to all the students prior to the exams.
Exam Preparation:
The college will provide study materials and resources to students to help them prepare for the exams. Students are encouraged to attend review sessions and seek help from faculty members if they need it. Students can utilise library books for their exam preparation.
Exam Administration:
All exams will be conducted in a controlled environment, and students will be required to follow the instructions of the invigilators. Any violation of exam rules will result in penalties, which may include disqualification from the exam. Students are not allowed to carry pencil boxes, wear digital watches, mobile phones/any electronic devices to the exam hall. Checking will be done prior to allowing the students to the exam hall.
Exam Marking:
The college will use a standardised marking scheme to evaluate students’ performance in each exam. The marks obtained in each sessional exam will be added to calculate the average final assessment score. IA marks will comprise theoretical, practical and other criteria described in the rubrics for internal assessment policy. Exam Review: Students will have the opportunity to review their sessional exam papers after the exams have been graded. They may discuss their performance with the faculty members and seek feedback to improve their future performance.
Exam Results:
The college will announce the results of each exam within 2 weeks. The sessional exam marks and the results are announced to the students and it is displayed in the notice board. Parents Teacher Meeting: After compilation of the marks from all the departments, the Parents Teacher meeting is intimated to the parents. Yearly twice Parents Teacher meeting is conducted.
Grievance related to an internal Sessional exam:
First, the student should approach the concerned faculty member of the department with the grievance and try to resolve the issue through discussion and
1. If the student is not satisfied with the response or resolution provided by the faculty member, the next step is to approach the Head of the Department and then to the Principal of the College. The student should submit a complaint through offline/online along with any supporting evidence or documentation.
2. The Head of the Department and Principal should initiate an investigation into the grievance and provide a response to the student within a week. They may also consult with other faculty members of the department.
3. If the student is still not satisfied with the response provided, they may escalate the grievance to the Grievance Redressal Committee of the institution. The committee will review the case and provide a final decision.
4. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee, they may approach the Management that oversees the functioning of the dental college.