The Hostel Advisory and Welfare Committee is a significant body within educational institutions responsible for overseeing the welfare and well-being of students residing in hostels. Comprising faculty members, hostel wardens, and student representatives, the committee addresses hostel-related concerns and ensures a safe and conducive living environment. It formulates and enforces hostel rules and regulations, promoting discipline and mutual respect. The committee also organizes recreational and cultural activities, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among hostel residents. In addition, it addresses grievances and provides support to students facing challenges, striving to create a comfortable and supportive home-away-from-home experience for students living in the hostels.

Boys Hostel Staff Incharge
Dr. N. Jegadeesan
Dr. P.K. Sasikumar
Dr. J. Vijaythiyagarajan
Dr. N.S. Naveenraj
Dr. S. Sivasuiryan

Girls Hostel Staff Incharge
Dr. M. Rekha
Dr. K. Sakthisaranyadevi
Dr. Linda Christabel
Dr. R. Dhivya
Dr. N. KalaranJeni